How to filter and sort items in App4Sales?

If there are no specific item filters linked to the representative or selected customer, the catalog will display all available items by default.

Use the filter options to effectively navigate through the catalogue and find the items you want.

Standard filter options include the customer's most ordered items and stock status.

Additional filter options are sourced from the linked ERP program, and include subdivisions such as brand, product group/range, type, material, color, size, product line, and more.

Combine various filters for more precise results and to find specific items.

Apply sorting (ascending/descending) based on various criteria, such as: price, description (alphabetical), item code. Click the sort option to toggle between high-to-low or low-to-high order, as indicated by the arrow denoting the current sorting direction.

Use a free field to assign your own sequence number to items for customized sorting.

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