How do I prevent orders for items without stock?
If you have an online webshop with limited stock, it is important to configure the settings for orders properly. If the Prevent ordering with limited stock formula setting is enabled, it means that customers cannot order more items than are in stock. This helps manage your stock levels and ensures that customers are not disappointed if an item is no longer available after they order it.
When a customer tries to order more items than are in stock, the quantity is automatically adjusted in the shopping cart. Is there no more stock? Then the item is automatically removed from the shopping cart.
To enable the setting for Portal4Sales, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the CMS.
2. Go to Portal4Sales > Settings.
3. Click on the Order tab.
4. Look for the Prevent ordering with limited stock formula setting and make sure it is enabled.
5. The stock formula is leading with this setting.
6. Save the change and then test the setting by placing an order trying to order more items than are in stock.