Releasenotes EezeeSales App December 2024
Update IOS18
Due to an adjustment bij Apple in IOS18, the tabs are now at the top of your screen instead of at the bottom. However, there is not enough space to show alle images and titles. We have adjusted this.
Wheel of Fortune (WOF)
As an app user, i want a WOF item to only be shown if the underlying filter produces a result in the catalog. If you click on a WOF item, you will now always get a result in the catalog. This applies to the item on the dashboard, and to all items on the "Collection" tab.
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Various layout-adjustments regarding visit reports.
Adjustments in images
As an app user, i want to be able to browse through the collections as quickly as possible, without having to wait for all images to be downloaded. The collections were downloaden last, so that no collections were shown when the download of images were interupted.
From now on, the collections are also shown if the images are interrupted withing 10 seconds. This means that from now on the images for the catalog wil be downloaded last.