Releasenotes EezeeSales App Ocktober 2024

Update to Autocomplete Function 

The autocomplete function in the portal has been updated to use two new endpoints for search word and product suggestions. These new endpoints will replace the current endpoint that will be phased out. To ensure smooth operation, the tweakwise_autocomplete setting will be removed, and two new settings, tweakwise_suggestions and tweakwise_product_suggestions, will be added. The function will continue to work as before, and the new settings will determine whether both endpoints are used or not. If both are enabled, search word suggestions will appear first, followed by product suggestions.


New settings added to the core portal 

The core portal now has 6 new options at settings>catalog that can be selected: new on model level, new on style level, new on variant level, sale on model level, sale on style level, and sale on variant level. Each option has different settings that can be selected to determine when and where certain indicators will be displayed. The app does not currently use these settings, but incorporating them into the app has been deemed necessary. 


Tweakwise Integration

With this update, customers can now access Tweakwise functionality from within the app, including catalog, search, and autocomplete features. 


Update: Remove login option and hide unavailable option for customers 

The option for sales agents to login under 'presale' is no longer available. For customers with only one available option, the other option will be automatically hidden to prevent confusion.


New Visual Features in App 

The latest update introduces a new feature that allows customers to view staffels (kwantumkortingen) visually and more clearly. The feature includes a color-coding system that highlights when a customer has reached 80% or more of a particular staffel. This feature is located in the 'prijzen' view of the app and does not allow users to enter quantities. To do so, users need to go to the 'shoppingcart' view. 

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