How can I create item filters if my ERP does not support this functionality?
Sometimes it is not possible to create item filters in your ERP, for example because your ERP does not have this functionality. One of such ERP's is Fortnox. In that case, it is possible to create the filters on our end. For this, you will need:
- An FTP server.
- An Excel file called extraItemFilterData.csv.
Preparing the FTP server
The above-mentioned Excel file needs to be uploaded on an FTP server. If you do not yet have an FTP, you can rent one from us. In that case, please contact your account manager on our end. Or, if you already have one, we can connect it for you to the CMS. Then we would like to receive the following credentials:
- Hostname
- Port number
- Username
- Password
- Name of the folder where you want to store the extraItemFilterData.csv file.
If you do not know if you already own an FTP, please check this with your server administrator or IT partner.
Filling in the Excel file
Kindly send a mail to, so we can send the file to you. Once in hand and opened, you will see three columns:
1. ItemCode. In this column, you will fill in the item codes of the products you would like to filter on.
2. FilterName. This is the main group, for instance 'Shoes'.
3. FilterValue. This is the subgroup that falls below the main group, e.g. 'Sandals' or 'Sneakers'.
Below you see an example of four different item codes, which are divided into two different main groups, which have been further divided into two subgroups:
It is possible to add one item to different filters. Just add a new row with the same item code, but this time with another FilterName and/or FilterValue.
Saving the Excel file
When you are ready with the file, you first need to save it on your computer before it can be uploaded to the FTP. Important things to remember:
- The file name should always be extraItemFilterData.csv.
- The column names may not be altered, nor may any new columns be added to the file.
- The file format should always be .csv.
The above three points are important, because it determines how the system maps this info to the right places in our database.
Uploading the Excel file
Now the time has come to upload the file on your FTP. The following steps need to be taken in order to get the filters in the CMS:
1. Start an item sync.
2. Go to CMS > Items > Item categories after the item sync has run. Here you can activate the concerning filter(s) by clicking on the edit button in front of the line, checking Is Filter and lastly saving the adjustment with the green floppy disk icon (also in front of the line).
3. Start another item sync, so the adjustment from step 2 will be synced.
4. After the item sync, the item filters will show up under CMS > Portal4Sales > Item classes.
Making new adjustments to the file
If you want to add, delete or adjust the item filters, please download the extraItemFilterData.csv file from the FTP server, make the alterations and upload the file back to the FTP.