Can I change passwords as an administrator?
Does the driver fail to log in, for example because the password is invalid? In the CMS environment, as an administrator, it is possible to set a new password. Follow the instructions below.
Step 1. In het CMS go to the tab Users.
Step 2. Find the driver's name and click on the pen icon.
Step 3. The form below appears. Fill in the fields and click on Save.
Username: We recommend using the first letter of the first name and the first two letters of the last name as the username. For example, Tom Berlin is tbe.
Password: The password must contain at least 1 letter, 1 capital letter, 1 number and 8 characters. The password must not be the same as the username.
First name: Can be entered as desired.
Last name: Can be entered as desired.
Mobile phone: This is displayed in the Control Tower so that the driver can be called.
Email: Can be entered as desired.
Language: Can be entered as desired.
Checkmarks: The checkmark for enabled should always be "on" when an account is to be used. Administrator should only be "on" for the person managing the CMS.
Does the driver still fail to log in? Then maybe something else is going wrong. Please, read more here.