How can I add users for App2Track?

In your own CMS environment, you can easily create new user. 
When creating new users, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Go to the tab Users and click on Add User.

Step 2. Below you find a description of the fields that must be filled in. The fields highlighted in red are required.


We recommend using the first letter of the first name and the first two letters of the last name as the username. For example, Jan Jansen = JJA.


This can be set as you wish. For security reasons, the password must contain 1 letter, 1 capital letter,
1 number and at least 8 characters. In addition, the password cannot be the same as the username.

First name

Can be entered as desired. This field is not required.

Last name

To be specified as desired. This field is required.

Mobile number

The number is visible to the transport supervisor or control room so that the driver can be called. This field is mandatory.

Email address

To be specified as desired. This field is not required.


Here you can select the language as shown in the app for the driver.


The check mark for Enabled must be on when an account is to be used. The check mark for Administrator must be on for the person managing the CMS.

Step 3. After completing the required fields, click on Save. The driver can immediately log in with the new account.

Step 4. Do you want to edit the data? Then click on the pen icon. Adjust the data and click on Save.

Step 5. Do you want to delete a user? Then click on the trash can icon.

Step 6. Confirm by clicking on Yes.

Do you have questions about creating new drivers?
Please contact the support department of App2Track.
We can be reached by email


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